Pearl Strategy

Design Thinking Made Easy

Design Thinking, simply put, is a “human centered” methodology or approach to innovation. At its very core it is about developing empathy for the end user of a product or service so you understand them and designing a solution that will solve a problem. Anyone can do Design Thinking. Here is a 4 step process… Continue reading Design Thinking Made Easy

Strategy = Choices + Capabilities + Creativity

Whether you are a small emerging company or a large organization with legacy brands, building a strategy is imperative to keep your business moving forward. At Pearl we think of Strategy as Choices + Capabilities. + Creativity Strategic Framework Choices At the heart of strategic planning lies the ability to surface issues and opportunities and… Continue reading Strategy = Choices + Capabilities + Creativity

2018 Health & Wellness in Canada: Part 3

In Canada, health & wellness continues to evolve, creating new demand for healthy products and services in food & beverages, retail, restaurants and personal care. To find opportunities in the health and wellness space, we surveyed 1,000 Canadian adults, with representation across ages, genders and provinces, in English and French Canada, to understand their health… Continue reading 2018 Health & Wellness in Canada: Part 3

2018 Health & Wellness in Canada: Part 2

In Canada, health & wellness continues to evolve, creating new demand for healthy products and services in food & beverages, retail, restaurants and personal care. To find opportunities in the health and wellness space, we surveyed 1,000 Canadian adults, with representation across ages, genders and provinces, in English and French Canada, to understand their health… Continue reading 2018 Health & Wellness in Canada: Part 2

2018 Health & Wellness in Canada: Part 1

In Canada, health & wellness continues to evolve, creating new demand for healthy products and services in food & beverages, retail, restaurants and personal care. To find opportunities in the health and wellness space, we surveyed 1,000 Canadian adults, with representation across ages, genders and provinces, in English and French Canada, to understand their health… Continue reading 2018 Health & Wellness in Canada: Part 1

Differences in Health & Wellness Attitudes & Behaviours – Infographic

Fitness background with bottle of water, apple, dumbbells and sport shoes on wooden table

Global Millennial Consumer Behaviours – Key Takeaways

A New Playbook for Millennial Tastes – Key Takeaways