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2018 Health & Wellness in Canada: Part 3

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In Canada, health & wellness continues to evolve, creating new demand for healthy products and services in food & beverages, retail, restaurants and personal care. To find opportunities in the health and wellness space, we surveyed 1,000 Canadian adults, with representation across ages, genders and provinces, in English and French Canada, to understand their health & wellness behaviours and attitudes.

This is the 3rd and final instalment of a 3 Part blog series that will provides an introduction to our Health & Wellness in Canada study. We hope that you’ll find some insight that will lead to growth opportunities for your business.


1. The role of technology in health & wellness is still primarily for finding information. Millennials are leading the way in terms of technology integrated solutions for health & wellness.


Canadians use technology in a variety of ways to support their health & wellness needs. Finding recipes and online searches were the top 2 ways technology is used. These reasons were mentioned by over half the respondents.

Some of the note-able differences between gender and age segments related to technology use include:

  • Females rated Finding recipes and Online searches significantly higher than males.
  • Gen X used tech for Finding recipes higher
  • Millennials rated using Trackers (Fitness, Sleep, Food, Health) significantly higher

What does this mean for marketers?

To help Canadians on their health & wellness journey, make sure they can find your brand online. Also, look for opportunities to integrate products and services with consumers existing technology platforms (e.g. apps, trackers), or provide tech-centric solutions.

2. To be noticed in the health & wellness space, there is a need to have a strong online presence. Be accessible to Canadians through their preferred methods – both online and offline.


Canadians use a variety of both online and offline methods to access health & wellness information. Online Search Engines was the dominant choice, with Books and In-person/telephone a distant 2nd and 3rd place respectively. Social media was a popular destination, with over one-quarter saying that they frequently/always use at least one form of social media.

Some of the note-able differences between segments include:

  • Millennials rated Online search and all Social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, Pinterest) higher than other age segments.
  • Millennials rated Retailer websites higher
  • Males rated YouTube higher

What does this mean for marketers?

Understand where your target customers are searching for health & wellness information and meet them in their comfort zone, when they are most receptive to health and wellness messages and discussion.

3. Canadians are sharing and discussing healthy food, personal care and restaurants through a variety of online and offline methods.


Canadians state the top 3 ways they share and discuss healthy food and personal care products, and healthy restaurant meals are In-person or telephone, Email, and Facebook.

Some of the note-able differences between segments include:

  • Females rated sharing In-person/Over the phone and on Facebook higher than males
  • Millennials rated all social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube) higher for sharing healthy food and personal care products

What does this mean for marketers?

Take advantage of the massive amount of online data available by listening to how consumers share and discuss relevant products/services within your category. Make it easy for them share content about your brand via social media and email.

For more details on our Health & Wellness in Canada study, contact Susan at:

Source: Pearl Health & Wellness Quantitative Online Survey, November 2017

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