Pearl Strategy

The Year Ahead – Visions of the Future

Pearl Strategy and Innovation Design recently attended the webinar hosted by IPSOS where a global panel of experts discussed public opinion, global trends, and scenario planning. Six key questions were addressed, covering topics such as the economy, populism, conflict, climate change, work dynamics and population change. Here is Pearl’s take on insights from Canada.


Canada’s population is shrinking, and immigration is crucial for growth. People worry about expensive homes, leading to debates on immigration rules. Trust in leaders is okay but needs assurance. The economy might face problems.

Population Dynamics

Canada is experiencing a population decline, and immigration plays a crucial role in maintaining growth. The birth rate is at its lowest and net migration contributes significantly to population numbers.


Rising living costs, especially in housing are significant challenges. Debates on immigration policies arise due to concerns about the affordability of housing.

Trust in Institutions

Trust in institutions, including businesses, remains relatively stable. There are concerns about political leadership, indicating a need for reassurance and effective governance.

Economic Outlook

The economic outlook suggests a turbulent year, with challenges in consumer behaviour, potential labour disruptions and increased social protests.

Scenario Planning Insights

When planning for the future, like thinking about what might happen in 2030, it’s important not to focus only on what’s happening right now. Instead, look at current events as a way to understand the regular path of how society, technology and the economy usually change. See if there are any reasons for things to speed up or shift in a different direction.

Implications: Organizations can use these insights to make informed decisions, anticipate challenges and adjust their strategies to align with the evolving landscape in Canada.

If you need support on insights, strategy or innovation connect with us at or connect with Susan Weaver at 416 908 2446

Source: Ipsos, January 2024

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