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Mintel Global Food and Drink Trends 2024

food and drink trends

Pearl recently reviewed the Mintel Global Food and Drink Trends 2024 report and here are our insights.

1)   Trust the Process

  • Consumers value processed foods for tradition, health, and naturalness (e.g., stone-ground flour, cold-pressed oil).
  • Clear communication on packaging and labels becomes crucial for informed choices.
  • Brands should highlight processing benefits (nutrition, sustainability) and actively communicate with consumers.


  • Pureharvest’s Unsweetened Organic Almond Drink focuses on “more nourishment from less processing.”
  • Canada’s Wise Foods upcycles tofu by-product known as Okara, using it in their plant-based Smooth & Fluffy Original Tofu Scramble meal and highlights Okara as an ingredient.

2)   Age Reframed

  • Focus on consumers aged 40 and above, a significant global spending demographic.
  • Address health concerns of this demographic (e.g., cardiovascular health, brain health, stress).


  • Krill Arctic Foods’ Antarctic Krill Meat promotes heart health and reduces cholesterol, appealing to health-conscious Gen Xers.

3)   Eating, Optimized

  • Utilize augmented reality (AR) and emerging technologies for cooking guidance.
  • Brands adapt by offering versatile cooking instructions and products for efficient kitchen use.
  • AI and AR provide personalized solutions for innovative dishes and routine tasks.


  • Home Bake 425°/:30 simplifies meal planning by allowing consumers to cook mains, sides, and veggies simultaneously at the same oven temperature for the same time.

Implications: These trends aim to guide food and drink brands in helping consumers balance health and pleasure, prepare for longer, healthier lives, and leverage technological advances for new conveniences.

If you want insights, strategy or innovation connect with us at or Susan Weaver at 416-908-2446.

Source: Mintel Global Food & Drink Trends, 2024

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